A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You

White Pages - A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You

Hello everybody. Today, I found out about White Pages - A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You. Which could be very helpful if you ask me so you. A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You

There are some foods that you must avoid to eat because they make you fat.
In this article I give you a list of high fat foods. Perhaps you don't know it but fat and fat is not the same.

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Goods fats vs. Bad fats.
You need to eat fats they are required for your health.
Dr Udo Erasmus has said it already there are fats that heal and fats that kill.
The question is that most people are not aware of this and they choose for 100% fat free foods.
A word of caution here the food can be 100% free but at the same time it can include a lot of sugar.

Bad fats are:

- Trans fats.

- Saturated fats

Good fats are:

- Monounsaturated fats.

- Polyunsaturated fats.

In this article we concentrate us on a list of foods that include bad fats.

High fat foods that are bad for you.
Saturated fats.
Studies have shown that diets high in saturated fats growth the risk of hart disease.
They also growth the level of Ldl (bad) cholesterol in your blood.
Products that are high in saturated fats are.

- Butter

- Ice cream (contains milkfat)

- Cheese

- Chicken fat

- Meat fat

- Palm oil

- Coconut oil - Beef

- Lamb

- Pork

- Veal

A lot of animal products include saturated fats and in some cases foods from plants.

Trans fats.
Just like saturated fats there is a relationship in the middle of trans fats and bad cholesterol level.
Products that include trans fats are.

- Some margarines

- Cookies

- Crackers

- Snack foods

- Shortening

- Doughnuts

- Cake

- frozen foods

- Potato chips

- Candy

I hope you understand now that according to this high fat food list that some products are bad for you.
You should read the food labels; manufacturers must include the fat division on it.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about White Pages. Where you may put to use within your evryday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about White Pages.


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